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FRIDAY, 18.11.2022 - 09:00-12:30

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WEDNESDAY, 26.10.2022 - 17:15-18:15

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SICOT 2021 Congress
Hungary - Budapest

WAIOT Symposium

Friday 17 September 2021
08:05 - 10:05 a.m.


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Infection in Orthopedics Updates in International Trainee Education Meeting (ITEM)

Organized by LRS.PD Hybrid Trainees, in Egypt and abroad.

Virtual course, Via Zoom Application


Friday 19th March, 2021 - Cairo, Egypt

WAIOT Symposium at the

International Trainee Education Meeting (ITEM)

Cairo, Egypt

Date: 2020-10-16 via Zoom Application



Limb Reconstructive Surgery in Adult and Pediatric Orthopedic


December 4-7, 2019

WAIOT Symposium
the WAIOT-Resorba Symposium

at the 40th SICOT Congress 

Muscat, Oman


September 26-28, 2019

WAIOT Symposium

at the Vreden's Readings 

Saint Petersburg, Russia


September 12-13, 2019

WAIOT Symposium

5th Annual Combined Meeting in Limb Reconstructive Surgery (LRS) and Correction of Deformity

& Orthoplastic Skills in Adult and Pediatrics 

Cairo, Egypt


August 15-18, 2019

WAIOT Symposium
TraumaCon 2019
Mumbai, India

December 10, 2018

WAIOT Side Event
70th Annual International
Congress of the Egyptian Orthopaedic Association (EOA)
Cairo, Egypt

December 1, 2018

Curso de Infecciones
55° Congreso Argentino
de Ortopédia y Traumatologia 2018 (AAOT),
Rosario, Argentina.

November 10, 2018

Presidential Lecture
103° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Ortopedia e Traumatologia 2018 (SIOT),
Bari, Italia
October 25, 2018
WAIOT Symposium
German Congress of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2018 (DKOU),
Berlin, Germany.

Look at the inspiring Prof. Ashok's 


held in Montreal, October 2018,

at the 2nd WAIOT General Assembly

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May 6, 2018: WAIOT Symposium at the 19th European Congress & Emergency Surgery (ECTES 2018), Valencia, Spain

Prof. Hazem Alkhawashki,

Chairman of the WAIOT Humanitarian Committee,

Guest Speaker on 


WAIOT in the Era of Increased Burden of MSI


at the 12th Annual Rheumatology Orthopaedic Meeting

in Alexandria (Egypt),

hosted by Prof. Bahaa Kornah,

an outstanding Member of the WAIOT Humanitarian Committee.

December 1, 2017
The 1st WAIOT General Assembly in Cape Town, South Africa 
Welcome address of the WAIOT President, Prof. Guenter Lob:
"Dear Colleagues, it is a great pleasure for me to welcome you at the World Association against Infection in Orthopaedics and Trauma.
Bone and joint, implant- and biofilm-related infections have a tremendous, although often understimated, impact in all Countries.
Only a shared knowledge and a joined educational effort may allow us to improve the management of these challenging conditions at all levels.
WAIOT gives us the opportunity to build something that will remain and will survive us.
WAIOT gives us the chance to change the reality and to make things better for today and for tomorrow.
So, let's start working !"

December 1, 2017 :


Venue. Room 1.41-42 CTICC Cape Town, RSA

Time. 5:30-6:45pm, December 1st, 2017, during the 38. SICOT congress

Professor Guenter Lob welcomed the attendees and gave brief account of the Agenda:

1. Welcome

Professor Heinz Winkler welcomed the presence of all those who have supported the development of WAIOT so far and those who are showing interest in the association.

He then gave brief account of how the idea of WORLD ASSOCIATION AGAINST INFECTION IN ORTHOPAEDIC AND TRAUMA (WAIOT), developed after the SICOT Declaration on Bone and Joint Infection in Rio and the invitation of the eight founding members to meet in Vienna during the EFORT 2017, which led to the submission and registration of WAIOT.

2. Presentation and organizational chart

Professor Carlo L. Romanò gave a presentation about WAIOT and its vision, mission.

He stressed on the new vision we are proposing with a web based, free association with two main concerns, i.e. scientific and humanitarian. 

He presented the proposal of the structure and organizational chart.

The General Assembly agreed by hunanimity on the first WAIOT organigram.

​​​​​​​​​​​3. Agreement on membership

Professor Lob asked the General Assembly for its agreement on the membership. The GA gave its approval.

4. Q&A

A very fruitful discussion followed in which several members and invited presidents of SICOT, EBJIS and APOA gave their valued opinions which can be summarized in the following:

  1. This association is very welcomed and much needed ( many members)

  2. Insure the presentation of other specialties, as microbiology, radiology, rheumatology, ...etc. (Prof. Kornah)

  3. Involve members from all over the world in the different activities (presidents of SICOT, EBJIS and APOA)

  4. Work on establishing a fellowship program in musculoskeletal infection (Prof. Hafez)

  5. Importance of humanitarian and social aspects (many members)

  6. Involve organizations in the study groups (several members)

  7. Establish recommendations and guidelines (several members)

Professor Lob expressed his thanks to the first WAIOT General Assembly and concluded the GA at 6:45 pm

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